Acne that appears suddenly!
It doesn’t heal…
When I thought it has healed, it comes out again…
And what should I do with acne scars …
There are many people who are suffering from acne.
We recommend acne treatment in dermatology people who have those worries.
In this opportunity, we would like to introduce the acne treatment that can be understood in 5 minutes!
\\\ What is Acne? ///
Acne is actually a skin condition called “Acne Vulgaris”.
It is caused by the thickening of the keratin of the pores and the excessive secretion of sebum, which clogs the exit of the pores and accumulates the sebum, causing P. acnes to multiply inside the pores.
It is not uncommon for people in their 20s and 30s to continue to have acne, and to suffer from adult acne.
It is important to treat white acne and black acne from the early stages, so that they won’t become acne scars.
\\\ Causes of Acne ///

There are three major causes of acne:
When male hormones increase during puberty, excess sebum is secreted, which causes acne to worsen during puberty.
For women, acne and rough skin may worsen before menstruation.
\\\ Acne Symptoms ///
Depending on the condition, acnes can be divided into white acne, black acne, red acne, yellow acne, etc.
At the initial stage, the pores are clogged with sebum. The surface of the pores is still closed and the rash looks white.
With the white acne progressing a little, the sebum rises and the surface of the pores opens, and when it comes in contact with the air, it oxidizes and the rash looks black.
With the black acne getting worse, the sebum grows and becomes inflamed, causing the rash to look reddish.
With the red acne getting worse, the rash looks yellow with suppuration and yellow pus.
If left untreated, they may remain as lumps or may be repeatedly inflamed and left as crater-like acne scars with irregularities.
\\\ Acne Prescription (with OHDr.) ///
Observe the condition of acne and select the appropriate medicine mainly from oral medication and ointments.
① Oral medication
Acne inflammation is caused by a bacterium called P. acnes, so antibiotics are used to treat acne with moderate to severe inflammation.
OHDr. often prescribe vibramycin or faropen.
② Ointments
Antibiotic ointments are used to treat acne with mild to severe inflammation.
OHDr. often prescribes Zebiax lotion or Dalacin T gel.
Bepiogel improves inflammatory acne by killing the acne-causing bacterium P. acnes. Since it has the effect of lightly exfoliating keratin, it also has the effect of improving the clogging of pores. As a side effect, the applied area may become red or the skin may be lightly peeled off.
It is a highly effective drug for improving acne (clogging pores). It normalizes the keratinization of hair follicles and makes it difficult for new pores to become clogged. This is known to prevent the inflammation that continues to clog the pores and to have a direct anti-inflammatory effect.
As a side effect, the applied area may become red or the skin may be lightly peeled off. Pregnant women must refrain from using it.
\\\ Acne Treatment Costs (with OHDr.) ///
Many people are wondering how much it costs to get a dermatologist for acne consultation.
For reference, here is the average price for an online consultation at OHDr.
The cost of the consultation itself is about 2,000 yen for the first visit, and about 1,500 yen for the second visit.
Depending on the case, the cost of medicine will be about 1,000 to 3,000 yen, so total of the fee is about 3,000 to 5,000 yen.
\\\ Conclusion ///
We have explained the causes and symptoms of acne and basic treatments in dermatology.
It must be difficult to decide by yourself what kind of medicine is good for your skin.
If you want to get prescription of a remedy that suits your symptoms …
Please feel free to contact us!