
Terms of service

Chapter 1: Terms of service

These Terms of service (hereinafter referred to as the “Terms”) are provided by Jaws Corporation Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) to the users (hereinafter referred to as the “Users”, collectively referred to as the Company and the “Company”). The service provided under the name OHDr. (In the event of a change, this will include the service after the change.).

Article 1 (Application)

  1. 1. These Terms shall apply to all contractual relationships related to the use of this Service between the parties to this Agreement.
  2. 2. In addition to these Terms of Service, the Company may establish various regulations regarding the use of the Service (hereinafter referred to as “Individual Regulations”) . These individual provisions shall constitute a part of these Terms and conditions regardless of their names.Regardless of the name of these Individual Regulations, they shall constitute a part of these Terms of Use.
  3. 3. Within these Terms and Conditions, the terms and conditions for each of the services that comprise the Service shall be set forth.

Article 2 (Definition of terms)

Term Meaning of the term
Usage contract Agreement between the parties to this agreement for the user to receive the provision of this service from our company based on this agreement
Collaborative medical institutions Hospitals and clinics where the Company introduces users and shares user information through this service, and pharmacies that dispense drugs
medical treatment Examinations, diagnosis, and other medical actions performed by the affiliated medical institution using this service based on the medical treatment contract between the affiliated medical institution and the user
Medical consultation Medical staff including doctors registered as medical consultation providers at our company (hereinafter referred to as “registered doctors, etc.”) will provide LINE etc. during the time slot that the user has reserved in advance on our website) Services that provide online medical treatment, online consultation recommendation, remote health medical consultation (defined in the online medical treatment guidelines), or online medication guidance via SNS
Those who wish to use the service Persons who wish to use this service
Medical fees, etc. Medical fees including health insurance co-payments (defined in Article 74, Paragraph 1 of the Health Insurance Act. The same shall apply hereinafter), reservation fees, test fees, medical certificate fees, and other medical fees related to medical treatment. expenses incurred
OHDr. service online medical consultation and medical consultation service provided by our company under the name “OHDr. Medical Comprehensive Support Service” separately from this service
Online medical treatment guidelines “Guidelines for the appropriate implementation of online medical treatment” published by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (partially revised edition in March 2020)

Article 3 (Changes to Terms)

  1. 1. The Company may change these Terms, and the User shall comply with the revised Terms.
  2. 2. In the event of any modification as described in the preceding paragraph, the Company shall publicize the modification, the contents of the modified Terms of Use, and the effective date of the modification on the Company’s website.
  3. 3. The changes in Paragraph 1 shall become effective from the time the changes are made known to the public as described in the preceding paragraph.

Article 4 (Contents of this service)

  1. 1. This service is a service that our company provides online in multiple languages ​​to users who enter and stay in Japan from overseas, and its specific details are as follows.
  2. (1) Medical consultation
  3. (2) Services related to the linkage with OHDr. services (including provision of information related to OHDr. services, etc.)
  4. (3) Linkage to cooperating medical institutions (including referrals to collaborating medical institutions, information sharing, reservations on behalf of the patient, etc.)
  5. (4) Provision of online interpretation services by online medical professional staff
  6. (5) Assistance with insurance refund procedures for medical fees, etc. paid by users during their stay in Japan
  7. (6) Assistance in issuing medical certificates
  8. 2. The Company provides this service only in the countries or regions specified on the Company’s website.
  9. 3. The Company shall present the terms and conditions for use of the Service, such as operating conditions, separately from these Terms, and such terms shall constitute a part of these Terms.

Article 5 (Application and establishment of usage contract)

  1. 1. If a person wishes to use this service, he or she must agree to these terms and conditions and, before entering Japan, submit his/her request for this service according to the period in which the service is provided, in accordance with the procedures separately established by the Company. You shall select a plan (hereinafter referred to as the “Application Plan”) and apply for a usage contract, and if the Company accepts the application, the usage contract will be established.After the usage contract is established, the Company will notify the user of information such as the contents of the usage contract. In addition, the applicant warrants that all matters declared to the Company when applying for a usage contract (hereinafter referred to as “declared matters”) are true and accurate.
  2. 2. If the applicant has any of the reasons specified below, the Company may not accept the application set forth in the preceding paragraph.
  3. (1) If you apply for a usage contract without following the procedures prescribed by our company
  4. (2) If there is any falsehood, error, or omission in all or part of the declared items.
  5. (3) If there is a reason to violate these Terms or the usage agreement, or if the Company determines that there is a risk of violation.
  6. (4) If the Company determines that the person has violated these Terms in the past or is a related person of that person.
  7. (5) In other cases where our company determines that the use of this service is inappropriate.
  8. 3. Regardless of the actual period of stay in Japan, the User may use the Service according to the method specified by the Company only during the period of use of the Service specified in the Application Plan (hereinafter referred to as the “Usage Period”). You may use this service to the extent that you do not violate the usage agreement.
  9. 4. If there are any changes to the reported items, the User shall immediately report the changes in accordance with the procedures separately established by the Company.

Article 6 (Conditions and methods for providing this service)

  1. The company provides this service to users in accordance with the conditions and methods separately determined by the company and the contents of the Use Agreement with users.

Article 7 (Prohibition of transfer, etc.)

  1. 1. The user contractor, etc. shall allow a third party to use, assign, lend, transfer, or inherit part or all of the status or rights and obligations under the usage contract, or the rights and obligations based on these Terms, or You may not create a security interest such as pawn or otherwise dispose of the property in any way.
  2. 2. If the Company transfers the business related to this service to another company, the Company will transfer the status or rights and obligations under the usage contract or the rights and obligations based on these Terms to the transferee of the business in conjunction with the transfer of the business. Users agree in advance to the transfer of the business in this section.

Article 8 (Attribution of rights)

Intellectual property rights such as copyrights, patent rights, trademark rights, designs, know-how, etc. and all other rights related to this service and materials created in conjunction with this service (hereinafter collectively referred to as “intellectual property rights”) etc.) belong to our company.

Article 9 (Usage fee)

1. Users are obligated to pay the usage fee for this service (hereinafter referred to as “usage fee”) determined according to each category of this application plan in accordance with the conditions of this article and the following article. .

2. This usage fee will be charged at the time the usage contract is established between the user and the Company. The company will notify the user of the information necessary to settle the usage fee within two business days from the date the usage contract is established. The User shall pay the Usage Fee to the Company within three days from the date of the notification in accordance with the payment method specified in the next article.

3. The usage fee already paid by the user shall not be refunded for any reason,except when the Usage Agreement is terminated in accordance with Article 19, Paragraph 1, or when the Company fails to provide the Service in accordance with the essential purpose of the obligation due to gross negligence or willful misconduct.

Article 10 (Payment method for this usage fee)

1. Payment of the usage fee shall be made by credit card.

2. The costs and fees required for the payment in the preceding paragraph shall be borne by the user.

Article 11 (Medical fees, etc.)

  1. 1. Regarding medical fees, etc. charged to the user by an affiliated medical institution in connection with medical treatment, the user shall pay the fees to us by the day following the day of the medical examination by means of a credit card registered in advance in accordance with the method designated by us, and we shall pay them to the affiliated medical institution in accordance with the payment method determined between the affiliated medical institution and us. The payment shall be made to the collaborating medical institution in accordance with the payment method determined between the collaborating medical institution and the Company. However, expenses incurred incidental to or related to the Service provided by the Company do not fall under medical fees, etc., and shall be paid to the Company in accordance with Article 9 (Usage Fees), Paragraph 1.
  2. 2. In this service, when the Company indicates to the user the estimated amount of medical fees, etc. set by the affiliated medical institution (in the case where the collaborating medical institution provides insured treatment, the estimated amount of partial payment) . Before using this service, users agree in advance that the estimated amount indicated by the Company may differ from the amount actually paid by the user.
  3. 3. This service does not guarantee that users will be able to receive medical treatment covered by insurance. If the user is unable to use travel insurance or health insurance, the user may be obligated to pay the full amount of medical fees, etc., including amounts other than co-payments, to the affiliated medical institution. .

Article 12 (Delay Damages)

  1. If the User is late in paying the Usage Fees and other obligations to the Company (hereinafter referred to as the “Usage Fees, etc.”), the User shall be charged an annual rate of 14.6% (1 year) in addition to the late payment. A delay fee will be paid based on a pro rata rate of 365 days.

Article 13 (Prohibited matters)

When using this service, users must not engage in any of the acts listed below.

(1) Acts that infringe on the intellectual intellectual property rights, etc. of the company, other users, affiliated medical institutions, their employees or staff, or other third parties (hereinafter referred to as “our company, etc.”) , or any act that may infringe.

(2) Acts that infringe, or have the potential to infringe, on property or privacy owned by the Company, etc.

(3) Acts that slander or slander or defame the Company, etc., such as by using abusive language, or acts that may lead to such slander or defamation.

(4) Acts that damage the honor or credibility of our company, etc., or acts that encourage these acts, or acts that have the risk of doing so.

(5) Any action that is or may be objectionable to the Company, etc.

(6) Acts that discriminate against the Company, etc. based on ethnicity, race, creed, gender, social status, family origin, etc., or acts that lead to such discrimination, or acts that have the risk of such discrimination.

(7) Acts of harassing the Company, etc. in any way, including stalking, or acts that have the risk of doing so.

(8) Acts that cause economic damage or psychological damage to the Company, etc., or acts that have the risk of doing so.

(9) Acts that violate laws and regulations, the internal rules of the industry organization to which our company belongs, these Terms of Use, user agreements, or public order and morals, or acts that provide information that violates these to other users or third parties, or that may be likely to do so.

(10) Expressions of violence, solicitation for illegal activities, or acts that may pose such a risk.

(11) Criminal acts, acts that lead to criminal acts, or acts that have a risk of such acts. Anti-social forces, etc. (meaning organized crime groups, organized crime group members, right-wing groups, anti-social forces, and other similar persons; the same shall apply hereinafter), etc., who cooperate or participate in the maintenance, operation, or management of anti-social forces, etc. Any act of interaction or involvement with, etc.

(12) Acts of providing information that is or may be contrary to the facts to the Company, etc., or acts that may have such a possibility.

(13) Election campaigning against the Company, etc., or similar acts, obscene acts, or religious acts.

(14) Unauthorized use of an email address, SNS account, or password by impersonating another person.

(15) Acts of impersonating another person and using this service (acts of pretending to be someone other than yourself; acting as a representative or agent of an organization such as a company or other person or organization even though you do not have the right of representation or agency) (This includes acts such as falsely claiming that there is an alliance or cooperative relationship with.) Acts of allowing others to use this service

(16) Unauthorized use of accounts , logging in, etc., or acts that violate the Unauthorized Access Prevention Act.

(17) Acts that fall under publicity, sales, solicitation, or advertising for our company, etc., or acts that may have such a risk.

(18) Acts of establishing or soliciting endless chain schemes (pyramid schemes) against the company, etc.

(19) Acts that claim the efficacy of health foods and health equipment against the company, etc., in violation of the Act on Ensuring the Quality, Effectiveness, and Safety of Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices, etc.

(20) Acts of disseminating information that can lead to the identification of individuals, such as the names of specific individuals of our company, facility names, etc.

(21) Acts that interfere with the operation and maintenance of this service

(22) Acts that place an excessive burden on the network or system of this service.

(23) Acts of unauthorized access to the network of this service

(24) Other acts that fall under commercial use.

(25) Other acts that violate or may violate laws and regulations.

(26) Other acts that the company deems inappropriate.

Article 14 (Compensation for damages)

1. If the User causes damage to the Company, etc. or the Service due to reasons attributable to the User in connection with the use of the Service, the user shall indemnify us for any damage caused by or in connection with such damage.

2. If a user causes damage to other users, affiliated medical institutions, or other third parties (hereinafter referred to as “third parties, etc.”) in connection with the use of this service, the third party If the user receives a complaint from a third party, etc., or if a dispute arises with a third party, etc., the user shall immediately notify the Company of the content, resolve the matter at its own responsibility and expense, and monitor its progress and costs. The results will be reported to our company, and we will not be held responsible in any way. The Company shall not be involved in any negotiations, transactions, payments, etc. with third parties, etc., and in the event that the Company, etc. incurs damages arising from or in connection with such matters, the User shall be responsible for the damages. We will compensate you.

3. If the User causes a third party to use the Service and causes damage to the Company, etc., such act shall be deemed to be an act of the User, and each provision of this article shall apply.

Article 15 (Limitation of Warranty and Liability)

  1. 1. Users shall use this Service at their own discretion and responsibility in accordance with these Terms. In addition, the User shall, at his or her own responsibility and expense, maintain the environment necessary for using the Service (hereinafter referred to as the “Usage Environment”), such as ensuring hardware, software, Internet connection lines, and security. Masu.
  2. 2. User information may be lost, misplaced,or delayed, etc. due to force majeure that exceeds our expectations, such as failure of equipment providing this service, trouble, power outage, communication line malfunctions, system failure, etc. Unless there is intentional or gross negligence on our part, if user information is lost, misplaced, delayed, etc. due to the occurrence of such a situation, the Company will not be held responsible for any damage caused by this.
  3. 3. The Company shall not be held responsible for any damage caused by the User’s violation of Article 13 (Prohibited Matters).
  4. 4. The affiliated medical institution or its medical personnel shall be solely responsible for the medical treatment, issuance of prescriptions, delivery of prescriptions and medicines, and any other actions performed by the affiliated medical institution. We are not responsible for the content.
  5. 5. This service is provided on the premise that affiliated medical institutions comply with related laws and regulations, precautions regarding various insurance systems, online medical treatment guidelines, and other administrative guidelines (hereinafter referred to as “Related Laws, etc.”). It has been. When using this service, the user must confirm whether the medical treatment provided by the affiliated medical institution complies with the relevant laws and regulations, or whether it can be accepted as insured medical treatment, before using this service.
  6. 6. If there is an emergency, please do not use this service and take necessary measures such as requesting emergency transportation by yourself as soon as possible.
  7. 7.The Company shall not be held responsible for any damage caused by the User’s failure to request emergency transportation.
  8. 8. Our company does not guarantee that we will respond to inquiries from users without delay, regardless of the reason.
  9. 9. In the event that damage is caused to the user through no intentional act or gross negligence, the Company shall be responsible for compensating only for the damage that would normally occur, and shall not be responsible for any consequential damage or incidental damage regardless of whether or not it was foreseeable. We are not responsible for compensating for damages caused by personal injury, lost profits, or other special circumstances. In addition, in this case, the amount of damages that our company will compensate the user will be limited to [10,000 yen].
  10. 10. The Company does not provide any guarantees regarding the matters set forth in the following items. Furthermore, even if the User obtains information regarding the Service directly or indirectly from the Company, the Company shall not provide any warranty to the User beyond what is stipulated in these Terms.
  11. (1) There will be no problems or failures in the usage environment due to the use of this service.
  12. (2) Accuracy, completeness, permanence, suitability for purpose, and usefulness of the Service
  13. (3) Compatibility with laws and regulations applicable to users, internal regulations of industry organizations, etc.
  14. 11. For users, medical treatment is provided by affiliated medical institutions, and medical consultations are provided by registered physicians, etc. Users shall receive medical treatment or medical consultation (hereinafter referred to as “medical treatment, etc.”) from affiliated medical institutions or registered doctors, etc. through the use of this service at their own responsibility. Inquiries, complaints, claims, disputes, etc. that arise in connection with the medical treatment, etc. shall be resolved between the user and the affiliated medical institution or registered doctor, etc., and the Company will not be responsible for any such disputes, etc. We do not assume any responsibility or obligation to participate in its resolution.

Article 16 (Cancellation of this service)

  1. 1. In the following cases, the Company may suspend all use of the Service without any notice to the User. In this case, the User will not be able to use the Service at all. If the Company determines that the cause of the suspension has been resolved by the User, the User may resume using the Service.
  2. (1) When the user acts in violation of these Terms or the usage agreement, or acts that the Company deems inappropriate.
  3. (2) When the user fails to pay usage fees, etc. to the Company for this service or other services provided by the Company.
  4. (3) When the company suspends or terminates the use of this service for any reason.
  5. (4) When it is found that the user has a reason specified in each item of Article 5 (Application and establishment of a usage contract), Paragraph 2.
  6. (5) When a user suspends payments or becomes insolvent, or a petition is filed to commence bankruptcy proceedings, civil rehabilitation proceedings, or similar proceedings.
  7. (6) When a bill or check issued or accepted by the user is dishonored.
  8. (7) When a petition for seizure, provisional seizure, provisional disposition, compulsory execution, or auction is filed against the user.
  9. (8) When the user is in arrears with taxes and public dues and is subject to security seizure.
  10. (9) When the user is suspended from business.
  11. (10) In addition to the preceding items, when the Company determines that a significant change has occurred in the user’s credit status.
  12. (11) In other cases where the Company determines that the use of this service is inappropriate.
  13. 2. In the event that the Service is discontinued pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the User will naturally lose the benefit of the term with respect to all Usage Fees, etc. owed to the Company at that time, and shall immediately pay the full amount thereof.

Article 17 (Changes to this service)

  1. 1. The Company may, at its own discretion, change or add to the Service, in whole or in part, without prior notice to users, for business reasons, system overload, system malfunction, maintenance, enactment, revision, or abolition of laws, natural disasters, accidental accidents, power outages, communication failures, unauthorized access, or other reasons. The Company shall not bear any responsibility to the User for such changes or additions.
  2. 2. The Company reserves the right to respond to users for business reasons, system overload, system malfunction, maintenance, enactment, revision, or abolition of laws, natural disasters, accidental accidents, power outages, communication failures, unauthorized access, or other reasons. may terminate all or part of this service by giving advance notice. The Company shall not bear any liability to the User for such termination.
  3. 3. Our company may outsource the performance of this service to a third party as necessary.

Article 18 (Restrictions on use)

  1. 1. If any of the following situations occur, the Company may suspend all or part of the Service by notifying the User in advance. However, in cases of emergency, notification is not required.
  2. (1) When it is necessary for the Company to regularly or urgently perform maintenance inspections and updates of equipment such as servers for services operated by the Company, and other systems necessary to provide the Service.
  3. (2)When we deem it’s difficult to provide this service due to fire, power outage, natural disaster, labor dispute, war, terrorism, riot, force majeure or other emergency such as interference by a third party, or the possibility of such an event occuring.
  4. (3) If the services of the affiliated medical institution are not provided
  5. (4) If the Company determines that suspension of the Service is necessary or appropriate due to operational or technical reasons for the Service.
  6. 2. In the event that the Company suspends the Service pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the Company shall not bear any responsibility to the User or any other third party for any damage caused by the suspension.

Article 19 (Cancellation by Contractor User

  1. 1. The user may cancel the usage contract in accordance with the procedures separately determined by the company, only in the event of default under the Agreement prior to the start of the usage period or due to willful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of the Company.
  2. 2. Cancellation pursuant to the preceding paragraph will become effective on the day the cancellation request from the user reaches the company, and procedures will be carried out in accordance with the company’s regulations.

Article 20 (Cancellation by the Company)

  1. 1. If the Company takes the measures set forth in Article 16 (Cancellation of the Service) Paragraph 1 against the User, even if the Company requests the User to rectify the reasons set forth in the items of the same paragraph. Regardless, if the cause is not resolved within 14 days from the date of the notice, the Company may cancel the usage contract.
  2. 2. If the user violates any of the items in Article 13 (Prohibited Matters), the Company may immediately cancel the usage contract without any notice.
  3. 3. If the usage contract is canceled pursuant to the preceding two paragraphs, the user will naturally lose the benefit of the term with respect to the usage fees, etc. owed to the company at that time, and shall immediately pay the full amount.

Article 21 (Measures after termination of usage contract)

  1. 1. After the termination of the usage contract between the parties to this agreement, the medical records, interview records, and other medical records (including medical records, hereinafter referred to as “records, etc.”) of the user shall be subject to the Medical Practitioners Act, Medical Care Act, etc. Based on other related laws and regulations, collaborating medical institutions may have a storage obligation. For this reason, from the perspective of data collaboration with affiliated medical institutions, we will store users’ past records, etc. at our company for five years even after the usage contract with the user ends. Data related to records, etc. will also be stored at our company for five years after the usage contract with the user ends, in accordance with records, etc.
  2. 2. The user may request the Company to delete the data set forth in the preceding paragraph five years after the end of the usage contract.

Article 22 (Handling of personal information)

  1. 1. In this article, our company stipulates the handling of personal information obtained through this service.
  2. 2. Our company may obtain the following information about users.
  3. (1) Information about the person (name, address, postal code, date of birth, telephone number, email address, information on public certificates such as driver’s license, resident card, insurance card, passport, My Number card, etc.)
  4. (2) Personal medical information (vital data such as body temperature, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels, past medical history, medications being taken, surgical history, allergies, lifestyle habits such as alcohol consumption, pregnancy status, name of medical institution used, and department of treatment) , consultation date, insurance card information, questionnaire response information, name of dispensing pharmacy used, prescription image (including drug name, dispensing date, dosage form, dosage, and usage), medication information, questionnaire response information, medicine Notebook information, etc.)
  5. (3) Information regarding payments (information regarding financial institution accounts, information regarding payments and their methods, etc.)
  6. (4) Other information (information entered directly by users into input forms etc provided by the company, information regarding inquiries and communications from users to our company, etc.)
  7. 3. Our company will use the acquired personal information to the extent necessary for the following purposes.
  8. (1) To provide this service to users
  9. (2) For billing and payment of usage fees
  10. (3) To confirm the user’s identity
  11. (4) To respond to inquiries from users
  12. (5) To provide after-sales service in this service.
  13. (6) To provide information regarding this service (sending telephone calls, e-mails, and mailing catalogs and flyers)
  14. (7) For questionnaire surveys/analysis and marketing research/analysis
  15. (8) For displaying advertisements within the scope of related laws and regulations.
  16. (9) To improve this service
  17. (10) To prevent unauthorized use of this service
  18. (11) For credit judgment of users and collection of debts
  19. (12) To conduct affairs related to transactions with users
  20. (13) To make necessary communications to users
  21. (14) To confirm the completion status of users’ appointments, medical examinations, and medication guidance, and to contact them as necessary.
  22. (15) In order for our company to ensure the appropriate use of this service by affiliated medical institutions (including the calculation of service usage fees, limited to confirmation of the contents of medical treatment and medication guidance, etc.) to the extent necessary.)
  23. (16) For use incidental to the above purpose of use
  24. (17) For other purposes specified in these Terms.
  25. 4. Users agree in advance to the Company’s acquisition of sensitive personal information such as vital data of users through this service.
  26. 5. Based on the user’s entrustment, the Company may provide information about the user such as the user’s name and personal information as well as vital data and other personal information, to affiliated medical institutions. When using this service, users agree in advance to the provision of such personal information.

Article 23 (Confidentiality)

  1. Users shall not use information disclosed by the Company to users in connection with the Service, specifying that such information shall be treated as confidential, for any purpose other than the purpose of such disclosure, and shall not disclose such information to other users or third parties, except with the prior written consent of the Company.

Article 24 (Communication)

  1. 1. Our company will contact users by sending written documents, e-mails, posting on this service or our website, or by any other means we deem appropriate. If such communication is made by sending an email or posting it on this service or our website, it will be deemed to have reached the user at the time of sending or posting.
  2. 2. Contacts from users to the Company shall be made through the Company’s LINE official account and other SNS accounts. The company will not respond to inquiries by any means other than the SNS accounts listed above.
  4. Article 25 (Severability)

  5. Even if some of the provisions of these Terms are determined by law or court to be illegal, invalid, or impossible, the remainder of these Terms will remain in effect.
  7. Article 26 (Governing law)

  8. The governing law regarding these Terms, the User Agreement, and this Service shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Japanese law.
  10. Article 27 (Exclusive Agreed Jurisdiction Court)

  11. All disputes regarding these Terms, the User Agreement, and the Service shall be resolved by the Tokyo District Court as the court with exclusive first instance jurisdiction.

that’s all

Produced on March 28, 2024